About Me

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Galloway, NJ, United States
Hiya! I'm Heather but please call me Pixie Chef. It's more suited these days. I'm a devoted mama to 3 awesome kids, newly divorced and trying to gather my footing, and a kind and fun little lady. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis almost 7 years ago and am dealing with it's ups and downs as life moves forward. I love art, in all forms, but tattoos are so beautiful to me. Those that adorn them and those artist that create them have my highest respect. I simply want to be surrounded by good people, I have no more room in my heart for scars so go away if your intentions aren't good. Blessed be!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Baking baking and more baking

   It's the time of year for lots of baking!! And I LOVE it. Wish I had a bigger better kitchen and more time to do it but it is what it is (until I get my hands on my very own bakery!). I'm not releasing any recipes (sorry) because I worked my magical butt off conjuring them up. I'm a perfectionist too when it comes to the taste, texture and look of what I bake. Some times it takes many attempts to get it just right! So, no..no recipes...but I will show you what I've been busy with! Such a taste bud tease I am heehee.
Just a scrumptious quick bread (banana chocolate chip)...quickly gone in my kid's bellies!


This was an apple pie baked a little while ago...just makin ya drool more

Rainbow cookies...it's like magic melted in your mouth.     

yea ok, it's nothing I baked but I can cook too! Veggie and cajun tofu stir fry YUM. It's my ying to the yang of baking   such delicious treats.    

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