About Me

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Galloway, NJ, United States
Hiya! I'm Heather but please call me Pixie Chef. It's more suited these days. I'm a devoted mama to 3 awesome kids, newly divorced and trying to gather my footing, and a kind and fun little lady. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis almost 7 years ago and am dealing with it's ups and downs as life moves forward. I love art, in all forms, but tattoos are so beautiful to me. Those that adorn them and those artist that create them have my highest respect. I simply want to be surrounded by good people, I have no more room in my heart for scars so go away if your intentions aren't good. Blessed be!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bacon Pancakes, Makin Bacon Pancakes

Love my kids..my weird sweet kids. AND the weird awesome TV shows we watch freely on You Tube. Their latest obsession: Adventure Time! Check it...


If you're familiar with the show I'll admit some things can be over the top and, at times, age inappropriate but as a kid growing up on Tom and Jerry where those two characters violently tried to kill each other, I'd say this is mild. 

Anywho..this silliness lead to my kids desiring bacon pancakes and this was my morning....

First...said bacon (turkey bacon because it's better then the piggy)

My helper..and bacon thief

Dry mix

Add the wet stuff and we're oh so close to BACON PANCAKES!

The bacon looks cozy in there

and two become one

slather on the maple syrup and devour!

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